
Acne during pregnancy. Why does it happen?

Those notorious hormone changes that take place during pregnancy can affect us in many different ways, one of which is acne. All pregnant women could have an outbreak of acne at any time during their pregnancy, but the chances are greater if you have mixed or oily skin or often get spots. Luckily, after the birth, when your hormones return to normal, it usually disappears.

How should you take care of your skin to prevent acne?

  • Don’t forget to cleanse your skin every morning and evening with a specific product to remove excess oil and dead skin cells. Also use creams that are suitable for your skin type.
  • Drink plenty of water and avoid sugary drinks, for the sake of both your skin and your baby.
  • Avoid direct sunlight as much as possible.
  • Use a sunscreen that’s suitable for use during pregnancy. Talk to your pharmacist.
  • If the acne is very bad, ask your doctor for a specific product to treat it. Don’t self-medicate and be very careful about the products you apply. Remember that not all of them are compatible with pregnancy. There are many medicines for acne that are absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy because they pose a risk to the foetus.

These simple tips will help you fight any excess sebum that your hormones might be causing.

Publicado el 31 May, 2018

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