
Are you in labour? 7 things you should know before you go to hospital


For those last few days before you meet your baby, we want to give you a few tips to bear in mind before you go to hospital.

  • The dilation stage will start at home and the first contractions, which are less painful, will occur at regular intervals. They’ll gradually get stronger. Don’t forget that the purpose of this stage is to dilate the cervix between 8 and 10 centimetres.
  • Starting to feel pain from the contractions is no reason to rush to hospital. When they start, you’ll want to keep an eye on the clock. It will be time to leave home once you’ve been having regular contractions for two hours and they’re becoming closer together.
  • Bear in mind that if the hospital is far away from your home, you shouldn’t let the contractions get too close together. If your waters break at home and the fluid is clear, there’s no need to rush to hospital. You can have a shower and calmly get ready.
  • The dilation stage can differ greatly from one woman to another. It may take a long time or you may dilate very quickly. The most important thing is to keep calm. Provided there’s no medical reason to do so, don’t lie down. Staying upright will help you at this time.
  • You’ll know you’ve reached the expulsion stage when you feel the urge to push. It will all happen very quickly. Let yourself be guided by the medical staff who will be helping you.
  • Once you’ve got your baby in your arms, don’t forget that you still have to expel the placenta. But with all the excitement of meeting your baby, you may not even notice.
  • Don’t forget the importance of skin-to-skin contact after birth. The paediatrician may check your baby while he or she is on your breast so that it’s not necessary to separate you.

Expert mums, any other tips that we could give the newbies?

Publicado el 24 May, 2018

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