
How to use your diet to relieve constipation during pregnancy

One in four pregnant women may suffer from constipation. This is not a negligible figure bearing in mind that, as well as being a very troublesome complication, it can lead to more serious problems after the birth, such as haemorrhoids. Constipation is therefore a common problem in pregnancy, but one that we can combat.

Why do you get constipated during pregnancy?

During pregnancy the uterus increases considerably in size, putting a great deal of pressure on the rectum, which will reduce intestinal motility. If you add to this a diet that’s low in fibre, a low fluid intake, little exercise or taking iron supplements, you’re bound to have trouble going to the toilet.

Before resorting to dubious medicines or remedies, it’s better to make improvements to your diet. Don’t wait until you’re already constipated, start now. Prevention is the first step to take.

How can diet help?

  • Drink lots of water. This is the typical advice we don’t pay any attention to. It’s simple and cheap, but we forget to do it. Set yourself a target, such as drinking a one and a half-litre bottle and another half-litre bottle. That should be the minimum amount of water you drink in a day. That way you’ll know how much you’re drinking and make sure you’re getting the right amount.
  • Choose wholegrain cereals. Swap refined products such as white flour, rice, pasta and bread for whole grains.
  • Pulses at least three days a week. They can be prepared in many different ways: stewed, boiled, in salads… use your imagination! It makes a very complete and affordable dish.
  • Fresh fruit whenever you’re feeling peckish. It will also help keep your appetite at bay, even if just for a little while
  • Include nuts in your routine, preferably unsalted.
  • Forget about fatty foods like cheese and butter.
  • Provided your doctor lets you, try to get some exercise. As you know, pilates or yoga are very beneficial because they’ll also help to strengthen your pelvic floor. But you should walk as much as you can too. Physical exercise will help improve your intestinal motility.

Were you or are your still suffering from constipation? Did changing your diet help you?

Publicado el 25 May, 2018

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