10 tips to avoid the fear of giving birth

After months of preparation, 40 weeks of pregnancy, the great moment is approaching: the day of the birth. Fear, uncertainty and nerves are normal feelings that you may experience. But we...

Publicado el 26 de mayo de 2018

Nesting: myth or reality?

You’re pregnant and probably in the last trimester of your pregnancy. You’ve got a huge belly that hardly lets you move, but suddenly you’re filled with an inordinate amount of...

Publicado el 26 de mayo de 2018

Scheduled delivery: when is it advisable?

Although nature is wise and we should always try for a spontaneous, natural birth, sometimes problems get in our way and mean that we need to take a different path....

Publicado el 26 de mayo de 2018

Coming to the end of your pregnancy? How to cope

Pregnancy is a time full of changes, hormonal ups and downs, endless emotions and loving preparations. Each month of their pregnancy, mums-to-be face all kinds of new experiences that gradually...

Publicado el 25 de mayo de 2018

Antenatal classes: what first-time mums should know

When a pregnancy begins, a whole mechanism is set in motion, including tests, check-ups, analyses and plenty of monitoring to make sure that both mum and baby remain physically healthy...

Publicado el 25 de mayo de 2018