
Benefits of exercising in the water during pregnancy

deportes de agua

Doing exercise or physical activity during pregnancy is highly recommendable for expectant mums. Keeping fit will not only help with the many physical changes that all pregnant women experience, it will also be very beneficial for labour.

Exercising in the water is a great choice when your belly starts to get bigger. Always check with your doctor about any activity you want to do and if he or she gives you the go ahead, into the water you go!

Swimming is a very complete sport, and this is also the case during pregnancy. If you didn’t swim before you got pregnant, start as soon as you can! You’ll quickly notice the benefits.

As your pregnancy progresses, you must bear in mind that you’ll be moving slower and you should change swimming styles to adapt to the new needs of your body. It’s not a race, so make sure you stop from time to time to let your body relax and get your breath back. These breaks may get longer or more frequent as the third trimester goes on.

As well as swimming, you could do other exercises in the water, like aquagym or an exercise routine designed for you by a professional.

What are the advantages of doing sport in the water during pregnancy?

  • It improves muscle tone. It prevents loss of strength and mobility as your pregnancy progresses.
  • It strengthens your pelvic muscles. This will help you to work on and strengthen your pelvic floor.
  • It increases your lung capacity. This is particularly beneficial in the last trimester of pregnancy.
  • It prevents varicose veins. It also improves swelling or cramping in your legs.
  • It prevents the lower back pain typical of pregnancy.


  • Avoid sudden changes of temperature. Take a shower before getting into the pool.
  • Be careful when getting in the water. Use the steps.
  • If possible, go with someone else. Especially in the last trimester.
  • Try to warm up for at least five minutes before starting your activity.
  • Keep well hydrated, especially if you exercise in an outdoor swimming pool.
  • It’s recommendable to exercise for 30 to 45 minutes. This will depend on your level of fitness before you got pregnant.

Ask you gynaecologist how long you can carry on doing exercise in the water. Some specialists recommend stopping in your eighth month to prevent the risk of infections, while others say you can carry on right up until you give birth. For your particular case, your doctor is the best person to advise you.

Did you decide to do water sports to keep fit during pregnancy? How was your experience?

Publicado el 24 May, 2018

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