
Meditation in pregnancy: enjoy its benefits!

Meditation’s in fashion! And no wonder! This age-old technique has become part of our lives because of its numerous benefits. It helps us cope with the frenetic pace that our society imposes on us, enabling us to reconnect with our inner self so that we feel better for it. Of course, it’s also indicated during pregnancy, where the connection between mind and body is much more present. The woman connects with her inner self in order to feel her baby, and meditation can be a perfect way to achieve this. Also, if you start meditating at this time, you can carry on after your baby’s born, helping to relieve your tension and relax during that period of change after the birth.

What do you need to begin meditating?

Meditation consists of dedicating a few minutes a day to ourselves without thinking of anything else and concentrating on our breathing. If you can find a professional to guide you, all the better. But if you decide to get started on your own, you’ll need to keep at it and spend a while on it each day, no excuses.

  • Find somewhere at home where you can meditate, a comfortable place to sit so that your back is well supported. Make sure no one will bother you during that time and switch off your phone; everything else can wait.
  • You might find it helpful to put on relaxing music, so prepare a selection that you like for these moments. Make your chosen room comfortable so that you feel good; not just the music, but scents, sounds, etc.
  • When you close your eyes, you should concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in and out deeply, noticing how your body lets go of any tension, how your muscles relax and you sink into that pattern of slow breathing.
  • Letting go of your mind is essential if you’re to achieve the desired effect. This can be the hardest part, but don’t be too hard on yourself. Try to put aside any thoughts that come to your head; you can deal with them later. When ideas come into your mind, focus on the music and the effect your breathing is having on your body. Your aim is to empty your mind of thoughts.
    Enjoy that moment without thinking about the clock. At first it will only be for a few minutes, but with practice the time will go by without you realising and it will have very positive effects on your mind and body.

Only a few minutes a day

These few minutes of meditation each day can have fantastic effects such as reducing muscle tension, relieving worry or stress, cultivating positive emotions, and improving your heart rate or breathing, among others.

Connect with your baby and feel how your body lets go and relaxes while you enjoy these few minutes to yourself.

Have you tried meditation? How did it improve your daily life?

Publicado el 23 May, 2018

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