
Pregnancy trimester by trimester: what you need to know


The nine months of pregnancy consist of three distinct stages, divided into trimesters.  They are three unique, separate times where the physical changes are accompanied by a cascade of emotions and new sensations. So, what can you expect? We’ll tell you what happens during pregnancy, trimester by trimester.

First trimester

From the very beginning the woman’s body starts to undergo changes whose purpose is to safeguard and accommodate the life that’s forming inside her. There are some women who hardly notice any symptoms, while others suffer from all of them.

The most striking thing you’ll notice during this initial period are symptoms like:

  • Excessive tiredness together with a very great need to sleep.
  • After your first missed period you may have morning sickness, with or without vomiting, and even dizziness.
  • A heightened sense of smell. You’ll smell everything and it will really affect you.
  • You’ll keep needing to go to the toilet, as your growing uterus will be pressing on your bladder.
  • The sensitivity and size of your breasts increases.
  • Changing emotional state: you’ll notice the first mood changes as a result of hormonal ups and downs.

Second trimester

Welcome belly! You won’t be able to stop stroking and protecting your belly, so it’ll start to be obvious that you’re pregnant. The typical symptoms of the first trimester will gradually subside and you’ll feel more full of life and energy than ever before. Make the most of it! The second trimester of pregnancy is undoubtedly the best of all. You’ll now feel very much aware of what you’re going through, you’ll start to notice your baby’s first little kicks and movements, and you’ll start preparing for his or her arrival.

Some things you should bear in mind:

  • Your gums become more sensitive, so it’s a good time to go to the dentist.
  • Look after your pelvic floor! Talk to your midwife.
  • You may notice you have a stuffy nose, which is common during pregnancy and stops you breathing properly. This can last until the end of pregnancy.
  • Be careful about dark spots on your skin! Use sunscreen whenever you go out.
  • Have you started to suffer from absent-mindedness, forgetfulness or difficulty concentrating? This is quite normal; all these changes you’re going through are starting to take their toll.

Third trimester

And then comes the day when you’ve got a great big belly and you can’t believe it’s still going to get bigger. It’s an incredible moment, but it’s time to slow down!

What can you expect?

  • Back ache, heartburn and a constant need to pee are very common problems at this stage.
  • You’ll start to feel Braxton Hicks contractions because your body’s getting ready for your baby’s arrival!
  • Careful, you’re at risk of getting stretch marks! You need to look after yourself more than ever because your skin’s stretching with all its might.
  • Rest whenever you can; sleeping’s going to become mission impossible from now on.
  • Your breasts are getting ready for breast feeding, so they’ll feel more swollen and sensitive.
  • As the big day approaches it’s normal to feel pressure on your pelvis, especially once the baby’s head is engaged.
  • In the last month of pregnancy in particular, you’ll notice an increase in vaginal discharge.

Enjoy your pregnancy! It’s a unique experience that’s worth living to the full.

Publicado el 27 May, 2018

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