
5 essential tips to protect your skin during pregnancy


You may not be showing yet, but the typical hormonal changes of pregnancy are already affecting your skin; you need to be aware of this from the start.  It’s very important to look after your skin to keep it in great condition.

Here are 5 tips to remember:

  1. From the first trimester it’s important to drink plenty of fluids to keep your skin elastic and prevent stretch marks.
  2. Use sunscreen, even in winter, to prevent dark marks on your face, also known as melasma.
  3. Using sunscreen will also make sure you don’t get any new moles or warts. If you do get them, don’t worry, they usually disappear after giving birth. But if you notice they’re growing fast or changing colour or shape, see your doctor.
  4. Don’t use anti-cellulite creams during pregnancy. To prevent cellulite during pregnancy massage problematic areas daily, drink plenty of liquid and try to walk or do some kind of exercise.
  5. You may get spots or blemishes on your face. If this happens, talk to a dermatologist or an expert in cosmetics about specific products to help prevent oily skin and improve its appearance.

Enjoy taking care of yourself during pregnancy!

Publicado el 28 May, 2018

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