
Swollen feet during pregnancy? Learn how to prevent it!


Swollen feet and legs, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy, is a complication suffered by many mums-to-be. If the last few weeks of your pregnancy are in mid-summer, you’ll probably have fluid retention and oedema.

It’s important to try to minimise this swelling, as it’ll make you feel much better and you’ll avoid setbacks.

How can you prevent or improve swollen feet and ankles during pregnancy?

  • Keep active. Physical exercise is very important to make sure the oedema does not increase. Daily walks will be very good for you. If you’re on holiday, make the most of it and enjoy walking! Swimming is also highly recommendable, provided your doctor lets you. Exercise and cool water are a perfect combination for your swollen feet.
  • You shouldn’t spend too long standing or sitting. Try to change position often. And remember, don’t cross your legs when you’re sitting.
  • Keep well hydrated. We say this a lot and we’ll never tire of repeating it. It’s very important, but if your last trimester coincides with the summer, it’s a key piece in the puzzle. Water, natural fruit juice and don’t forget seasonal fruit, which has a high water content. Avoid, soft drinks and fizzy drinks because they won’t do you any good.
  • Put your feet up whenever you can! It will help the blood flow back to your heart.
  • Alternate warm and cold water in the shower to improve your circulation. Don’t use very hot water.
  • At the end of the day, try to give yourself a good massage, with upward movements. And if your partner can help, all the better.

But if you notice the oedema is increasing, other parts of your body are swelling or you get sudden intense migraines, go straight to your doctor just to be on the safe side.

Publicado el 28 May, 2018

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