
The benefits of yoga during pregnancy


Pregnancy is a time of physical change for any woman. Throughout those nine months you undergo multitude of physical, hormonal, psychological and emotional changes. What’s more, they take place so fast that you barely have time to adapt to them. Doing yoga can help make mums-to-be more aware of these changes and help them to understand and really feel them. The asanas (poses) will vary over the three trimesters and will be adapted to specific needs during pregnancy.

Yoga is not recommended during the first trimester of pregnancy unless the woman has been doing yoga regularly over the previous months. If this is the case, you should bear in mind that the physical discomfort typical of these first few months will require more passive and relaxing poses and exercises.

In the second trimester it’s a good idea to work on the spine by performing gentle exercises, as there will be tension in the lower back and this will help prevent sciatica, which is so common in pregnant women.

Once you’re in the third trimester, you should avoid movements where it’s necessary to lie on your back. Priority is given to relaxing poses and correct breathing, as the baby is growing and taking up more space.

Doing yoga will help you physically, psychologically and emotionally.

Physical benefits

  • It improves the flexibility of your whole body.
  • It strengthens your muscles.
  • It stimulates blood circulation.
  • It improves your breathing.
  • It helps improve your centre of balance (which is altered as you gain weight during pregnancy).
  • It strengthens your spine.
  • It improves your posture.
  • It relieves physical tiredness.
  • It helps you sleep well.
  • It improves your agility in the last trimester.
  • It strengthens the pelvic floor.
  • It relieves stomach problems and heartburn.

Psychological benefits

  • It relieves the stress and anxiety that you may feel at certain times during your pregnancy.
  • You learn relaxation techniques that you can use at any time.
  • It increases your self-esteem and therefore makes you feel more secure and confident.
  • It improves the bond between mother and baby.
  • It helps you accept the physical changes your body is going through.

Doing yoga during pregnancy will prepare you for the day of the birth. Getting to know your body, learning to identify different parts of it and identifying sensations and feelings that you didn’t use to pay any attention to may be very useful for you on the most important day of all: the day your baby is born.

How about you? Did you do yoga during your pregnancy? Did it help you get fit for the birth? Tell us about your experience!

Publicado el 23 May, 2018

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